
  • Chair, 教育 Department; Associate Professor of 教育

    尼娜F. Weisling拥有博士学位.D. in special education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a master’s in elementary education with a concentration in special education from St. 费城的约瑟夫大学, and a bachelor’s in health care policy from Lawrence University in Appleton, 威斯康辛州.

    在高等教育工作之前, Professor Weisling worked in public and charter schools in Chicago and Philadelphia, 首先作为一名教育工作者(特殊教育和普通教育), 案例管理器, 以及教学教练, and later as the co-manager of the instructional coach team.

    She previously was a faculty member at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wis., and adjunct faculty at National Louis University in Chicago, Ill. Her research interests include mentoring and new teacher support, 包容性的教育, 多样性与公平, 并支持不同的学习者和他们的老师.

    • Ph.D. — Special 教育, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
    • M.S.—Elementary 教育 (concentration in Special 教育), 2005
    • B.A. -劳伦斯大学保健科学,2003年
    • EDU 2050: Teaching and 支持ing Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs
    • EDU 2720: Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom Grades 1-8
    • EDU 3110: Comprehensive Assessment of Exceptional Learners
    • EDU 3250: Effectively Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary/Middle School 
    • EDU 4090: Methods for Teaching Elementary Level Exceptional Learners
    • 指导和新教师支持
    • 包容性的教育
    • 多样性与公平
    • 支持不同的学习者和他们的老师
    • Weisling N.F. & 布劳恩克. 2月(2023). Special education isn’t always “nice”: Empowering special educators to advocate anyway. Scenario Planning Session accepted for the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting, Aurora/Denver, CO.
    • 威廉姆斯,年代., & Weisling N.F. 2月(2023). Closing opportunity gaps through experiential learning experiences in urban schools. Poster Session at the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting, Aurora/Denver, CO.
    • 布劳恩克., & Weisling N.F. 2月(2023). Addressing complexities: Preparing special educators for the field. 接受ed for the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Aurora/Denver, CO.
    • 威廉姆斯,年代. & Weisling N.F. 2月(2023). Pathway to teaching- Innovative and sustainable strategies for recruiting and retaining BIPOC educators. Presented at the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Aurora/Denver, CO.
    • 加德纳,W. & Weisling N.F. (2023年4月). 谁的舒适才是最重要的?友善是平等指导的障碍. 在2023年AERA年会上发表的论文,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
    • Weisling N. F.巴克斯,C., & 布劳恩克. 2月(2023). 我们在“管理”什么?? 从课堂管理转向学生成功. Paper presented at 2023 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
    • 威廉姆斯,年代. & Weisling N. F. 2月(2023). 社区 and collaboration: Building a pipeline of effective (urban) educators. Paper presented at 2023 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
    • 威廉姆斯,年代. 汉考克,M.伊斯利,J. & Weisling N.F. (2022年11月). 为城市学校的成功培养未来的教师. Presentation at the 2022 International Conference on Urban 教育 (ICUE) Biennial Meeting, 坎昆, 墨西哥.
    • Weisling N.F. & Toson,. L-M. (2022年4月). What supports or inhibits development of inclusive practices?: Early career alternatively certified special educators’ perspectives. 2022虚拟AERA年会论文集.
    • 加德纳,W. & Weisling N.F. (2022年4月). When “nice” isn’t “just”: Exploring mentors’ decision making through the framework of niceness. 2022年WERA虚拟焦点会议研讨会.
    • Weisling N.F. & 加德纳,W.G. 3月(2022). (不)好的导师:重新设想为变革而指导. Future Casting Session at AACTE 74th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
    • Weisling N.F. & Barcus C. 3月(2022). 我们在“管理”什么?? 从课堂管理转向学生成功. 在2022年AILACTE年会上的演讲.
    • Barucs C.威斯林,n.n.F., & 布劳恩克. 3月(2022). Rethinking equity-minded mentoring: Addressing fight, flight, freeze, or fragile responses. Future Casting Session at AACTE 74th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
    • 布劳恩克.巴克斯,C., & Weisling N.F. 1月(2022). 股本-centric mentoring: Responding to fight, flight, freeze, or fragile reactions. CEC 2022年会从研究到实践的深度潜水 & 世博会,奥兰多,佛罗里达州. [因流行病退出]
    • Weisling N.F. & Toson,. L-M. (2021年4月). Not what I expected: Self-efficacy and experiences in the inclusive classroom. 2021年虚拟AERA年会论文会议.
    • Toson,. L-M. & Weisling N.F. (2021年4月). Preparing educational leaders for special education: A call to the field. 2021年虚拟AERA年会论文会议.
    • Toson,.L-M. & Weisling N.F. 3月(2021). Competencies of effective special education leadership (SEL): Results from a statewide partnership. CEC 2021海报展映.I.V.E会议,虚拟会议.
    • 加德纳,W. & Weisling N.F. (2021年4月). (Not) nice work: Examining mentor’ decision-making through a framework of niceness. 2021虚拟AERA年会圆桌会议.
    • Weisling N.F.巴克斯,C., & 布劳恩克. 2月(2021). Helping teachers recognize and challenge their assumptions and biases. Future Casting Session at AACTE 73rd Annual Meeting, Virtual.
    • Weislng N.F. & Toson,. L-M. 2月(2021). 包容 for administrators: What your teachers wish you knew. Individual Paper Session at AACTE 73rd Annual Meeting, Virtual.
    • Weisling N. F. & Toson,. L-M. (2020年4月). A call to the field: Perspectives of inclusive special educators’ experiences and impacts on self-efficacy. Symposium Session at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual.
    • Toson,. L-M. & Weisling N.F. (2020年4月). Special education leadership preparation: Current special education leaders’ views of critical capacities for preparation programs. 2020年AERA年会论文会议,虚拟.
    • 加德纳,W. & Weisling N.F. (2020年4月). Educative mentoring “inside” the action of teaching: How beliefs shape actions. Roundtable Session at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual.
    • Weisling N. F. & Toson,. L-M. 2月(2020). 让所有教育工作者都成为包容性教育工作者. Data to Action presentation at the AACTE 72nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
    • 贝克尔,P. & Weisling N. F. 2月(2020). 艺术 integration and UDL: Options and alternatives for students with diverse learning needs. Future Casting presentation at the AACTE 72nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
    • Weisling N. F. & Toson,. L-M. 2月(2020). 包容的教导:让(开放的)婚姻有效. 用Q表示 & 答:在CEC 2020大会上 & 博览会,波特兰,俄勒冈州.